Happy Mother's & Momday


Thirty years ago, I had a bumper sticker that said, "Once I had time but now I have twins." (Disclaimer: It never landed on the van because, yeah ;).

Honestly though, isn't that the case for all mothers, regardless of number of kids? They work tirelessly and endlessly to provide a loving environment. Moms are special. And I hope each one had a wonderful Mother's Day.

My mom was my first home and I never wanted to leave her. In my young mind, I thought she would get her feelings hurt if I left. Little did I know, she wouldn't. But that's okay because more time was spent together then and I am fortunate I get to spend time with her now. I love you, Mom.

Both of my grandmothers played a special role in my life. Our relationships were simple and filled with love. Towards the end of her life, Grandma Mary held my hand and said, "I don't know what I would do without you." Well, I don't know what I would have done without you (and Grandma Carrie too).

Two wonderful ladies were more than aunts, as they were mother figures. Their hearts were so loving and they treated me and my family as their own. When Chelsey was little, she was asked about her grandparents. Guess who were included? Miss you, Aunt Francis and Aunt Betty.

My mother-in-law gave my girls the BEST dad. Kind, thoughtful, and hardworking barely scratch the surface of his qualities and his love comes from his mother, Carol. We are blessed for that middle child so thank you.

My role as mom has made my happy cup runneth over. When I found out I was having twins, my head was spinning but my heart was doing flips. How did I get so lucky?! Double the joy. Double the fun. Double the love. My girls are the greatest gift. Ever.

Many memories assault me on Mother’s Day. Chelsey once told me, "I love your hand" while holding it. Sweetie, I’ll always hold yours. Sydney cried daily in kindergarten because she missed me. Honey, I always miss you when we aren't together.

While mother-daughter relationships are never perfect, ours are pretty damn close. I'll never forget the good times we've shared - driving to another state for a prom dress or a music concert, ghost hunting, boating with family and friends, and so much more. I'll never take for granted the love I feel from you both. God, I will always treasure and be grateful for being chosen as their momma.

My new role as grandma is equally rewarding. I remember back on Em's first months and smile. I think about today and smile. I look forward to the future and smile. I promise to never run out of hugs or cookies and you can always have MORE of both.

Auntie moms (like a mom but cooler). Adoptive moms. Step-moms. Fur moms. Moms without titles. All moms are special. And I hope each one has a wonderful Momday!

~ Momma Lappe

"Being a mama can be tough, but always remember in the eyes of your child, no one does it better than you."



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Happy Mother's Day