Happy Mother's Day

To all the moms out there, happy Mother's Day!

To my mom, you are without a doubt the most caring, thoughtful, and generous woman I know - I count my lucky stars I get to call you my mom.

To my twin, just when I didn't think I could ever look up to you more… You had Em. What an absolute joy it is watching you effortlessly step into the mom role - you make it look so easy and like a walk in (Forest) Park.

To you both, I can't thank you enough for always making me feel so special even on your day. It fills my heart tree-mendously.

To Em, I hope you know just how loved you are. I can confidently say each and every one of us would move mountains, split the sea, and soar to the moon and back for you - and then again.

To myself, strive to be as strong, confident, and nurturing as these two women. Although I'm reminded of it daily, never forget how blessed you are nor take it for plant-ed. 🪴


Happy Mother's & Momday


The Momday That's Enough (& Then Some!)