Happy National Wine and Cheese & Momday!

Cheers to National Wine and Cheese Day! To be honest, I know very little (okay, nothing) about wine. When in doubt, I call my connoisseur cousin and Deb guides me. It's all so confusing - what type to buy, what glass to use, what temperature to serve it, etc. Then there are steps to tasting… See, swirl, sniff, sip and savor. Me, I like a hassle-free drink to enjoy so sangria it is!

I know slightly more about cheese but I do question why we pair them together? As it turns out, cheese (typically high in fat) coats the mouth and blocks taste receptors to beverages. The acidity and sweetness of a well-paired wine cut through this creamy barrier to provide a fuller flavor on the palate and thus, creating an excellent mouthful. Hmmm, I'm guessing that is why my pizza tastes so much better with sangria.

These days, my favorite kind of cheese is Em's. Nothing pairs better with her sweet smile and funny personality when you say "cheese". I definitely am savoring these moments.

Happy Momday everyone! It's wine o'clock somewhere.

~Momma Lappe

"Life is great. Cheese makes it better."

-Avery Aames


Happy "Golden" Momday & TWOsday!


Happy Momday & Birthday, America!