Happy "Golden" Momday & TWOsday!

I cannot believe that our little Emerson will be two tomorrow! The saying holds true, time flies when you're having fun. And let me tell you, these past two years have flown by.

2020 was an unforgettable year in many ways but for me, I will always remember the birth of my first grandchild. In true Em fashion, she decided to arrive on her terms and therefore, her momma went into labor nine days early. We were out of town but my husband made the trip home in record time so I could be in delivery. Being there was a gift that I cherish. Her big personality is infectious and I can't stop smiling when I think about the beautiful memories that fill my heart.

Emerson, your golden birthday happens once in a lifetime and tomorrow is your special day. Laugh, play, and have fun on Taco Twosday. I love our time spent together. I love being your grandma. I love my girl!

Happy Momday, keep shining and stay golden!

~Momma Lappe

"The way I see it, you should live every day like it's your birthday."

-Paris Hilton


Happy Momday & Cousins Week!


Happy National Wine and Cheese & Momday!