Happy Momday (to Make the Most Of!)

A dear friend recently received a crushing cancer diagnosis and my heart hurts for her and the entire family. It puts into perspective that tomorrow is not promised so enjoy today. Love and treasure the people in your life, as each relationship is a gift. Don’t take your loved ones for granted and say, “I love you” often. Spend time with friends and be present. Sing louder. Laugh harder. Hug a little tighter. Love a little deeper. Love too much.

Count your blessings and make the most of this Momday!

~Momma Lappe 

Tomorrow is not promised and the past cannot be changed so therefore, live each day to the fullest and know that every new day is a blessing. 

-Nishan Panwar 


Happy Momday… Even though it’s Wednesday!


Happy Momday (Filled with Emagination)!