Happy Momday… Even though it’s Wednesday!

Welcome, Elliot! What a wonderful Monday surprise and everyone is so glad to finally meet you, as we have loved you since before you were born. It seems like yesterday at Christmas we were told you’re going to make Em a big sister. You are perfect and our hearts are overflowing with joy. I already love being your Mamaw, sweet boy!

Happy birthday to Emerson! I can’t believe my girl is three. You have blessed our lives immensely and this past year has been golden. Your infectious personality makes us smile. Your antics keep us laughing and on our toes. You shine bright and feel like sunshine. I know you and Elliot will be into all kinds of mischief one day and we are looking forward to making mEmories along the way.  One, two, three, jump! into your birthday and enjoy your special day! 

To Emerson and Elliot, I hope you always feel safe in my arms and feel the love from my heart. I will forever hold your hand and have your back. I promise to comfort any fears and calm any chaos. I will encourage your dreams and praise every success. I’ll have faith when you’re in doubt. 

I hope you are having an amazing week! 

~Momma Lappe

I love you in the morning and in the afternoon.  I love you in the evening and underneath the moon. 



Happy New Year & Momday!


Happy Momday (to Make the Most Of!)