Happy New Year & Momday!

A new year has arrived. While I don’t make resolutions because I always fail to keep them, I do look back and reflect. It got me thinking about my life’s story and motherhood.  What memories did I leave behind for my girls or what will they remember about me? Perhaps it will be random trips to feed the ducks with a bag of day-old bread or playing at “Nana’s” park.  Maybe it will be boating fun and bathing in the lake, getting stuck while ghost hunting or even family dinners. Hopefully, they always felt love and support even during regretful yelling or lack of patience. I hope moments with mom last forever.  

[I’ll always remember feeling loved and supported, and never regret learning lessons gained from arguing and practicing patience. I never want moments with mom to end, and I will preserve our mEmories so they last forever. ❤️Syd]

My current chapter of grandmotherhood is just as important. It’s up to me to figure out the memories I will leave behind and the moments Emerson and Elliot will cherish…impressionable moments that they will always remember. So in this new year, my story continues and it will be epic. Em, we will hold hands and walk home from school every chance I get. We will dance crazy and sing louder with Kip. We will play Barbies and fun games, do harder puzzles, and paint a masterpiece. We will have more sleepovers and drink chai tea in bed. Elliot, when we spend our days together, I cannot wait to see you learn and grow. We will splash on the water pad and hold hands when you begin to walk. We will go to library story time and swing at the park with Aunt Syd. I hope moments with mamaw last forever. 

Happy Momday and cheers to 2024!

~ Mamaw Lappe 

Life is not measured by time. It is measured by moments.  

-Armin Houman


Happy Momday… Even though it’s Wednesday!