Happy Momday & (Belated) New Year!

Happy New Year! Where did the time (and this month) go? It seems like yesterday that Em discovered her pink boots. We were endlessly house-hunting with Chels and Dan. Sydney published her first book. Emerson celebrated her golden birthday. We were enjoying lake days. Our family took a fun-filled trip to Colorado. Em fell in love with Baby Shark. So many cherished memories from last year and my happy cup continues to runneth over.  

While I cannot stop the march of time nor slow it down, I can make the most of the moments I am given. I always fail to keep resolutions so I am going to learn from yesterday and invest in others, while being more attentive. I am going to live for today and do things that I enjoy, while being more intentional. I am going to hope for tomorrow and do my best to make it a happier time, while being more content. Time does fly but I am the pilot and look forward to the blue skies ahead. May everyone soar and have a nice flight in 2023. 

Happy Momday!

~Momma Lappe 

“What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven’t even happened yet.”

-Anne Frank 


It was golden.


Happy Momday Celebrating Grandma Gail