Happy Belated Dad & Momday

Isn't it funny what you remember about people? My dad always sported a watch tan line from working outside as a lineman. He tried (and failed) to rock a combover. He ate a sleeve of saltines with his beer. He bought things but didn’t always use in fear of "wearing them out." It brings a smile to think of those quirky memories. I remember getting caught driving Old Red before I had my license. My friends and I worked so hard getting it returned to the EXACT parking spot, the radio set back to his boring station and everything in order in the cab. What we failed to realize is that he never used the visor so when handprints appeared in the dust, I got busted. When I snuck alcohol from the liquor cabinet, I thought I was so clever to rotate from different bottles…until, after enough times, he noticed a special bottle was near depletion, oops. Sorry, dad! He has to admit that I was easier than his firstborn (just kidding, sis ;).

To my dad, my husband, and every father reading this, I hope you had a wonderful Father's Day! All dads are special. Thank you for setting an example of respect, love, and kindness to mothers. Thank you for working hard to provide financial, physical, and emotional support for your families.

Just thank you.

While talking about memories, I can't not mention my sweet nephew, Brandon. We lost him 10 years ago and miss him every day. I remember his darling curls as a kid. I remember him waving his arms while saying "green beans tonight" for a favorite vegetable. I remember his grin and kind heart. He once held up a skunk and yelled to my husband, "Look, a baby kitty!" He would have turned 40 this past Saturday. Happy Birthday! You are now part of the Over the Hill Club.

I hope everyone has had a great Momday!

~Momma Lappe

"I love those random memories that make me smile no matter what is going on in my life right now."



Happy Momday & Birthday, America!


Happy "Mom-erial" Day!