Happy Momday & Fall, Y’all!
Happy Fall, y’all! I tend to get a little sad when summertime ends because we love our lake life. However, since we are home more, things slow down a bit and I enjoy the change in weather and autumn activities. I recently saw a fall bucket list of things to do in St. Louis. Since I’m a list maker, I decided to make my own. Our family prefers experiences instead of meaningless “stuff” so, as Sydney would say, what a gourd time we will have! What is on your list?
Visit a pumpkin patch (Thies Farm was so fun!) ✅
Sip an apple cider Chai tea at Blueprint Coffee
BOO my neighbors
Decorate a pumpkin with Em (our sloth looks more like a strange bear :) ✅
Share a Merbs caramel apple with my husband (both are the best) ✅
Visit Grants Farm and the Zoo with my family (yearly tradition)
Enjoy life ✅
Happy Momday!
~Momma Lappe
“Autumn is the season to find contentment at home by paying attention to what we already have.”