Lappe Lesson #1 - How to Sleep Like a Baby


Thirty-one years ago, I was born into the most selfless family I could’ve ever been blessed with. And as you can see from the picture, I suppose I wanted to lend a helping hand (or finger) and follow in my parents’ selfless footsteps at a very early age... 

Now when I say I have the most selfless (and best) family, I genuinely believe and stand by those words. The list of their acts of kindness is infinite but for the sake of time, here’s just a glimpse:

  1. My parents worked (and continue to work) hard so they could give my sister and me the best possible life.

  2. My dad spent 15+ tedious hours hand-building my stairs.

  3. My mom drops off a goodie bag when I'm not feeling well.

  4. My twin will run me over a blueberry cake donut from Donut Drive-In just because she knows I love them.

  5. My parents will calmly watch my rowdy zoo (Pax and Harlow) so I can go on a trip without worry.

And you know what? I'm sure there’s also an infinite list of things my family has done to improve my life for the better that I’m not consciously aware of. 

Really, my family NEVER expects anything in return and ALWAYS goes out of their way to delight me without an ounce of hesitation or desire for recognition.

I strive to do the same. I strive to make my actions selfless, thoughtful, and immediate - somehow my family makes it seem as though they react before one second even passes. 

Yes, I absolutely know I’m beyond fortunate to be in the family I’m in. But I also hope this serves as a reminder that we should all aspire to not only help out families, friends, neighbors, strangers, etc. - but do so selflessly

Because, really, what helps me sleep like a baby is not the amount of work I put into a day. It’s not dimming someone’s light in an effort to make mine brighter.

What helps me rest my head at night is reflecting on if I treated others with kindness and respect we all deserve. If I went out of my way without needing a pat on the back. If I did something for someone without telling them.

So today, and in the upcoming days, I challenge you to consider the below scenarios. Instead of trying to solely:

  1. Climb the corporate ladder, help others reach their fullest potential as well.

  2. Seek praise, toot someone else’s horn.

  3. Grow your wallet, breed wealthy relationships.

  4. Stand out loudly in a crowd, sit down and listen to others.

  5. Hide your “secrets to success”, share what you learn.

  6. Impress someone with a pricy gift, give them the greatest gift of all - time well spent together, which is what sparked my Happy Lappe Etsy shop!

Also, chew on and digest these questions (but hopefully not how Chels gnawed on my finger...):

  1. “How am I helping others?”

  2. “What are ways I can give back?”

  3. “What are SELFLESS ways I can give back?”

Now that you have your answers and ideas in mind, take action (and please share your experiences)! Before you know it, they’ll become instant reactions and will help you sleep like a baby...

And that’s a #LappeLesson!


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Hello, you! Let’s meet (and be happy)!